Informationen zum Titel
"Hark the Echoing Air" aus "The Fairy Queen"
Henry Purcell

The Fairy-Queen. Semi-Oper in 5 Akten (Z 629)
Orchestra of the Baroque
* 2003
Henry Purcell
* 1659, London, England, Grossbritannien
† 21.11.1695, London, England, Grossbritannien
Informationen zum Album
Henry Purcell "The Fairy Queen"
Henry Purcell

- Henry Purcell
The Fairy-Queen. Semi-Oper in 5 Akten (Z 629) - 1. 1. Symphony
- 2. 2. Come All Ye Songsters Of The Sky (Prelude And Song)
- 3. 3. Fill Up The Bowl (Scene Of The Drunken Poet)
- 4. 4. See, Even Night Her Self Is Here (Song)
- 5. 5. One Charming Night (Song)
- 6. 6. Hush, No More (Song And Chorus)
- 7. 7. Symphony While The Swans Come Forward
- 8. 8. Now The Maids And The Men (Dialogue Of Coridon And Mopsa)
- 9. 9. If Love's A Sweet Passion (Song And Chorus)
- 10. 10. Hornpipe
- 11. 11. Now The Night Is Chac'd Away (Song And Chorus)
- 12. 12. Let The Fifes, And The Clarions (Duet)
- 13. 13. See My Many Colour'd Fields (Song)
- 14. 14. Next Winter Comes Slowly (Song And Chorus)
- 15. 15. Hain! Great Parent Of Us All (Chorus)
- 16. 16. Yes, Xansi, In Your Looks I Find (Song)
- 17. 17. Hark The Echoing Air (Song And Chorus)
- 18. 18. Sure The Dull God Of Marriage (Duet And Chorus)
- 19. 19. See, See, I Obey (Song)
- 20. 20. Turn The Thine Eyes (Duet)
- 21. 21. My Torch, Indeed (Song)
- 22. 22. They Shall Be As Happy (Trio)
- 23. 23. Dance For Chinese Man And Woman (Chaconne)
- 24. 24. They Shall Be As Happy (Chorus)