Banca dati musicale
Informazioni sul titolo

Il lavoro
Data di registrazione
Campione audio
Anonymus (Compositore)
John Playford (Editore / Edizione)
* 1623, Norwich, East of England, Gran Bretagna
† dicembre 1686, London, England, Gran Bretagna
Informazioni sull'album

Anno di produzione
Casa discografica
Harmonia Mundi
- Anonymus
- 1. Tom Scarlett
- Anonymus
- 2. Old Simon the King
- Anonymus
- 3. Another Division on a ground by Mr. John Banister
- Anonymus
- 4. Moll peatly, ot he old Marinett
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- 5. The bear's dance
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- 6. Hunsdon house
- Anonymus
- 7. Sir Martins Marah's jigg
- Anonymus
- 8. Fy nay, prithee John!
- Anonymus
- 9. Paul's Steeple, or the Duke of Norfolk
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- 10. The glory ot the west
- Anonymus
- 11. The mock glory of the west
- Anonymus
(da) Apollo's Banquet... (extrait). The Glory of the sun. Pièce pour violon et basse continue - 12. The Glory of the sun
- Anonymus
- 13. Faronell's division on a ground
- Anonymus
- 14. Prelude
- Anonymus
- 15. Long cold nights
- Anonymus
- 16. Johney Cock Thy Beaver: A scothch tune to a ground
- Anonymus
- 17. Greene-sleeves
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- 18. Stingo, or the oyle of barly
- Anonymus
- 19. Cockleshells
- Anonymus
- 20. Another division on a ground by Mr. P.B.
- Anonymus
- 21. The Queen's Jigg